Clicking Contacts in the top header will display a list of all your contacts. To see your contacts' recent readership data for the last 30 days select the Recently Emailed field from the dropdown filter. You can filter the results further by entering appropriate keywords in the search window (contact name, email or company).
For a complete definition of each data point provided in this report, you can go to Readership Data - Definitions.
Clicking into a contact on this page will take you to its corresponding Contact Insights page. You can also export a CSV file of this data by clicking the Export button in the top-right corner.
The Instant Insights bar on the right-hand side of the page provides additional, aggregate insights to help you strategize and prioritize client follow-up. Click here for more details.
How is this data useful?
- This data helps users understand who their most/least engaged clients are so they can determine where to focus their efforts. They can follow up with the least engaged users to determine how they may serve them better, or clean them off of their lists.
- When visiting a client, they want to understand who is engaged and who isn’t so that they can have a more targeted conversation about the services they provide.
- Users can also share this data with their manager to keep them updated on how their clients are doing or with colleagues to educate them about the clients that they both cover.
Contact Status
Having a contact become inactive when they leave their company is no longer the end of the story. With the Contact Status widget located at the top of the table, we will let you know where they went by providing you with their new email address. From the widget, select which contacts you would like to update and our system will automatically migrate the list subscriptions for the new contact and remove the old record.
Inactive Contacts
Clicking the Remove Inactive Contacts at the top of the table will remove all of the contacts that have recently bounced back emails (click here for more details on Bounces).
NOTE: To view a list of all your inactive contacts follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Manage Lists
- Click on the My Contacts list
- Click the Inactive filter
To export this list into a CSV, click the download icon on the right-hand corner.